Accountability + Consistency = Success

There are a number of proven activities that a real estate agent can perform that can directly lead to increased business. The key is consistency and AgentJournal is designed to help focus agents on tracking what they need to accomplish each day to get the results they desire. This online tool provides accountability with reminders, weekly performance reports and an online leaderboard to help spur agents to keep putting in the work that is required to be successful.

$49 / Month - No Contract

90 Days to Success Logbook

Daily Log

Tracking activities starts with entering them into a daily log while you are working. We have found that starting first with writing notes in a traditional physical logbook while working through the day provides the quickest and strongest reinforcement of the process. Then at the end of the day these stat totals can be entered into the online log on AgentJournal.

There is a free downloadable Daily Log Sheet PDF available for anyone active on the system.

Email Reminders

Entering your daily activity totals each day is a key part of the program. For those days where log data entry was missed, the system will send out an email reminder with a quick link to the the previous day's log entry form. This speeds up the process of data entry significantly.

This daily email reminder also shows a quick report of the past 7 days of activity on the 6 most important activity stats to help reinforce strong work habits.

Alert Reminder

Weekly Performance Report

Performance Reports

A great source of motivation for maintaining strong work habits is comparing your performance against your fellow agents. At the beginning of each week, the system sends out a performance report that includes all active team / company participants' past 7 days of activity over the 6 most important stats the system tracks. See how you are stacking up against them.

The report also highlights which agent has the top position for each stat.